
The Guitar Girl

In a painting by Mohamed Al-qadomi , a beautiful girl is depicted playing the guitar. The artwork features soft colors and intricate details that create a serene and romantic atmosphere, reflecting passion and music as a means of artistic and personal expression.



The painting SWIRL OF LIFE by Ayad depicts a vortex of vibrant colors (orange, red, white, and black) in the background. In the center, a staircase called "Staircase of Hope" appears with a man and a child ascending towards a house, symbolizing life's challenges and the pursuit of stability and security.


Names of Allah

‏Artist Ziad has created a unique artwork that features the 99 Names of Allah presented in Arabic. This piece beautifully mix traditional Islamic art with modern design



Al-Saleh painted a unique artwork for the dervishes. Instead of showing them in their usual swirling dance, he used bright colors and abstract shapes. Dervishes are mixed with geometric patterns that symbolize the combination of spirituality and modern life. This painting invites viewers to see the relationship between tradition and new ideas.


The staircases of Amman

Colors blend to show different types of homes in Amman, with a human touch as people walk down the steps in Amman stairs 🏘️