
Whispers of Eternity

Feel the ethereal essence of “Whispers of Eternity,” an abstract painting by Ayyad created with a palette knife. Stark black and white hues intertwine with fluid strokes, effortlessly capturing the interplay between light and dark. The bold textures and spontaneous movements on the canvas reveal a mesmerizing dance of contrasts, evoking a timeless and enigmatic sense of beauty. Allow this captivating artwork to immerse you in a world where whispers of eternity come alive, inviting introspection and contemplation.


Silent Symphony

Step into the world of “Silent Symphony,” a captivating abstract painting brought to life through the artist’s masterful use of a palette knife. The monochromatic black and white composition brings forth a symphony of emotions, where silence resonates with the viewer. The carefully structured layers of paint, created with deft strokes of the knife, reveal a deep sense of rhythm and flow. Immerse yourself in the silent symphony of this artwork, where every stroke tells a story and invites contemplation and introspection.


Mother protection

In the realm of artistic expression, the canvas comes alive with the unique vision of Jordanian artist. One such captivating masterpiece is the painting titled “Mother protection” By Hani This artwork serves as a testament to the artist's ability to weave stories and emotions through the brushstrokes, creating a visual symphony that resonates with viewers.


At first glance, "Mother protection" reveals a delicate scene – a newborn cradled in the arms of a woman, both adorned in a myriad of colors. The brilliance of the hues used is nothing short of a celebration of life, echoing the diverse spectrum of human emotions and experiences.


The central figures, the baby boy and the woman, are portrayed in slightly deeper tones, providing a visual anchor to the composition. The artist, with deliberate strokes, captures the essence of motherhood, the protective embrace that shields the child from the vast canvas of life, portrayed in a kaleidoscope of colors.


The artist's Jordanian heritage is evident in the nuanced details – the traditional attire, perhaps inspired by local patterns and motifs, seamlessly integrated into the overall tapestry. It's not merely a representation of a moment but a cultural dialogue on canvas.


Calligraphy horse

On the walls of the prestigious Gallery Amman Panorama Arts , this breathtaking masterpiece crafted by the calligrapher Walid Al Hashlmon , the painting is a stunning example of the beauty and versatility of Arabic calligraphy. The background is a gradient of dark blue shades, creating an elegant atmosphere. The center of the painting features a horse, drawn with Arabic letters in beige and gold colors. The horse symbolizes strength, courage, and freedom, and the letters form words that convey the artist's message. The painting blends art and language. showcasing the rich and diverse culture of the Arab world.🐎


Vibrant Petra

The painting by the artist Nashat portray the ancient city of Petra, known as the "Rose City," using shades of blue and brown. The blue color may symbolize the clear sky and tranquility, while the brown can represent the natural pinkish rock formations for which Petra is famous.The mix of these colors makes the painting interesting and beautiful . The painting represents the natural beauty of the area and its cultural heritage.